

It's my new title, and I'm not ashamed to say that I love it.

In the past couple of weeks I have touched up paint on walls, screwed and unscrewed countless wall fixtures, replaced wall outlet covers, washed all the dishes I own, hemmed curtains, helped replace kitchen lighting and assembled a bookshelf, among other things. I am having WAY too much fun settling into our new place and cannot wait to see what the finished product looks like! Things are really starting to come together even though there is still a ridiculous amount to be done and it's fun to sit back at the end of the day and point at things going, "I did that!". What a feeling of accomplishment!

For example, here's a picture of the living room before we moved in:

Granted, that's only one wall of the living room and there's no stuff in the photo. But here's what the whole room looks like now:

A little better, no? As you can see, there's still junk lying around that we haven't unpacked yet. But it's all a work in progress! Also, here's what our bedroom paint and curtains looked like before we moved in:

And now:

Ta da! I'm pretty excited about our room. I still want to do a bit more decorating, but I love how it's coming together so far. We've had Justin do the painting and he's doing a marvelous job, as you can see! I can't wait until the whole house is finished. It's going to look so amazing when it's all done! And then we'll be able to actually host guests! Yay :D

On another note, Nick's job is going AMAZINGLY but I want him to write the post explaining how much he loves it. So hopefully you'll be hearing from him soon!

That's all for now... Baby is getting restless and it's time to make dinner for the hubby. Hope all is well in your world!

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